Venue Hire Terms & Conditions

1 - These Terms

    These Terms & Conditions apply to the venue hire of spaces at St Ethelburga’s Centre for Reconciliation and Peace, located at 78 Bishopsgate, London EC2N 4AG (the “Venue”).
    These Terms & Conditions apply to consumers as well as businesses, to the extent that such terms are valid under applicable laws.
    The Venue is owned by St Ethelburga’s Centre for Reconciliation and Peace, a company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales with Company No. 6408424 and registered office 78 Bishopsgate, London EC2N 4AG and registered charity number: 1121983 (the “Charity”).
    St Ethelburga’s Centre (Trading) Limited, is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Charity and a company limited by registered in England and Wales with Company No. 10300521 and registered office at 78 Bishopsgate, London EC2N 4AG (the “Trading Company”).
    By submitting a booking form in accordance with section 2 paragraph 1 you agree that the contract for your hire of space at the Venue will be with either the Charity or the Trading Company, as specified by us in your booking confirmation. References in these Terms & Conditions to the “Centre”, “we” or “us” shall refer to either the Charity or the Trading Company, as specified by us in your booking confirmation. You can contact us on +44 (0)20 8064 1635 or at .
    References in these Terms & Conditions to “3rd party platform”, “platform”, “external site” shall refer to any online venue-hire website where our services are displayed. 
    References in these Terms & Conditions to "Booking Information Form", "Booking Request Form", or "Booking Form" refer to the form available at the link sent to the email address of the person who made the initial enquiry.
    References in these Terms & Conditions to “you” or “your” refer to the Contracting Entity named in the Booking Information Form and/or the 3rd party platform.

2 - Booking Confirmation and Payment Terms

    Your booking is confirmed and added to the diary when:
    A completed Booking Information Form is returned to us;
    We receive full payment for your booking.
    You will receive a link to the online Booking Information Form and should complete this as accurately as possible. Changes may be requested via email or the 3rd party platform at any time and we will do our best to accommodate them.
    Full payment means payment of the amount set out on your invoice or on the offer we send through a 3rd party platform.
    Payment for items and changes not present on your initial Booking Information Form shall be made immediately upon receipt of an invoice from us or notification from a 3rd party platform.
    If additional costs occur during your event, (i.e. over-run of time, or additional equipment needs), payment shall be made for these immediately upon receipt of an invoice from us or notification from a 3rd party platform.
    Venue hire, equipment and all other charges are subject to periodic review and so may occasionally differ from charges quoted upon your initial enquiry. Where the hire charges have changed, we will discuss this with you before your booking is confirmed.

3 - Cancellation Policy

    Should you wish to cancel your confirmed booking, please advise the Centre immediately via email or the 3rd party platform. We cannot accept cancellations made by phone.
    As long as a cancellation is made at least 48 hours before your booking start time, you may cancel your booking within 24 hours of confirmation without further obligation (the grace period). If you request a booking within this 48-hour timeframe, or the cancellation is made more than 24 hours after your booking has been confirmed by us, then the following cancellation and refund policy applies:
    For a cancellation made:
    Up to 30 calendar days prior to your booking start time, you will receive a full refund.
    Within 30 – 7 calendar days prior to your booking start time, you will receive a 50% refund minus, if applicable, the service fee from the 3rd party platform where the original enquiry was submitted (this fee is outside our control).
    Less than 7 calendar days prior to your booking, no refund will be made.
    We reserve the right to terminate your booking without liability immediately upon notice to you if, in the sole discretion of the Centre:
    Your event may bring bad publicity or disrepute upon the Charity or the Trading Company.
    Your event may cause a breach of applicable laws.
    Your event may lead to a breach of the Charity’s charitable objectives.
    Your event is of a different nature than that set out in your Booking Information Form or amendments agreed with us in writing.
    The expected number of people in your Group will exceed the maximum number stated in your Booking Information Form (or otherwise agreed with us in writing) and you do not rectify this within 10 days of us providing notice to you and in advance of the event date.
    You breach any other of these Terms and Conditions and you do not rectify this within 10 days of us providing notice to you and in advance of the event date.
    In the event your booking is terminated under any of the circumstances set out in paragraph 18 above, cancellation charges as detailed in paragraph 17 above may also be payable, in the Centre’s sole discretion.
    The Centre may terminate your booking without liability in circumstances outside our reasonable control. These may include, although not exclusively, Act of God, fire, refusal to grant or extend a licence, industrial action whether involving Centre employees or a third party.

4 - Room Hire / Use of Venue

    Once a booking is confirmed, you will have access to the applicable space from the time and date specified in your Booking Information Form. When you fill in your Booking Information Form please allow time for setting up and clear-up. Your event must end and the room be cleared no later than the finish time as stated on your booking form. A member of staff will be here to show you around and help where appropriate with your event, but the responsibility for setting up and clearing away lies with you. We will provide you with safety guidelines for the handling of chairs and tables.
    Booking Slots are as follows:Morning bookings are 8:00am – 12:00pm.Afternoon bookings are 1:00pm –5:00pm.Evening bookings are 6:00pm – 10:00pm.
    Extensions beyond 10pm are available. The cost before midnight is £70/hour. After midnight the cost is £100/hour when alcohol is not sold at the venue or £200/hour when alcohol is sold at the venue. These are selectable on the Booking Information Form.
    A booking that crosses over the morning and afternoon slots will be considered a full day booking. A booking that doesn’t take up the whole of one booking will not be eligible for a discounted price (e.g. a booking from 10am to 12pm will still pay the full price for a morning booking).
    If your weekday morning event over-runs we will use reasonable endeavours to accommodate you, except where the space is required by a subsequent hirer. Afternoon, evening and weekend events cannot be extended without prior agreement. Time spent occupying the Venue outside of the booked times, or time spent by the caretaker on returning the space to the condition described in Schedule 1 “The Standard” will incur a charge of £70 per hour before midnight, £100 per hour after midnight if alcohol is not being sold or £200 per hour after midnight if alcohol is being sold, or part thereof.
    Any accident/injury occurring within the Venue must be immediately reported to the facilitating member of the Venue staff and logged in the Venue’s Accident Book. Any damage occurring within the Venue must be immediately reported to the facilitating member of the Venue’s staff.
    The Venue is a Grade 1 listed building and therefore there are a number of controls that we require all hirers to adhere to. Nothing may be attached to any floors, ceilings or walls unless specifically requested and then only with the use of “white tack” which you should bring with you. Any electrical equipment brought in to the Venue must be PAT tested and we must be informed of its intended use prior to the event.
    You, your staff and your guests (your “Group”) shall not bring red wine or other red drinks into the Venue.
    Your Group shall not wear shoes inside the Tent.
    You will be liable for any costs incurred in repairing any damage to the Venue or contents provided for your event, including glass or furniture breakages, caused by your Group.
    You will ensure that the maximum expected number of people in your Group does not exceed the number stated in your booking confirmation without our prior written approval.
    You shall not make use of any trade name, trade mark, service mark, logo or symbol of the Charity or Trading Company in any way whatsoever, except with the prior written approval of the Centre.
    You shall not sub-licence or share occupation of the hired Venue space without our prior written approval.
    You shall not use any part of the Venue, including the exterior, to display company signs, notices, or for the display or distribution of promotional material without prior written approval. Any literature or other material brought into the Venue must be removed or packed away immediately after the event.
    Your use of the Venue does not carry any endorsement by the Charity or Trading Company and none shall be claimed or implied by you in any way whatsoever.
    Your Group shall not smoke (this includes vaping and the use of e-cigarettes) in any indoor areas of the building, whether doors are open or not.
    Staff and volunteers keep the Venue maintained to a high standard. By hiring our facilities you agree to leave the Venue in a state that is in accordance with the standards which are set out in Schedule 1.

5 - Catering

    Teas, coffees and biscuits can be provided in the Venue by the Centre and will be charged at £3 per person per round.
    The Centre cannot provide catering (except teas and coffees) for events. Your Group are welcome to bring pre-prepared food and serve it themselves, or arrange for a delivery service.
    If you intend to use a third-party caterer for a sit-down event you may be required to use our preferred supplier, details of which are available on request. No other third-party caterer may be used without our prior written consent.
    Where you or a third party are serving food at the Venue, you must obtain public liability insurance in respect of the serving and consumption of food.
    Waiting and bar staff must be booked through the Centre.
    Food and drink (with the exception of red wine and other red drinks) is allowed in the Tent with care. You will be required to pay for the cleaning of any spillages.
    The kitchen is generally only available when hiring the Nave. We cannot guarantee its availability when hiring the Tent, Courtyard or Foyer.
    If serving alcohol, an 18+ policy will be enforced on the booking.

6 - Equipment

    The Centre can provide a projector (nave only), sound equipment (nave only) and microphones (nave only) for a fee (as set out in the Booking Information Form). These will be set up for you by our caretaker. Flipcharts are also available for a fee.
    We reserve the right to reduce the music playing at your event to what we consider to be a reasonable volume.
    Please let us know in advance if you wish to use our speakers or bring your own.
    Please ensure drinks do not go near the speakers, as if any liquid seeps under the sockets near the speakers it could cut the power to the whole nave.
    Printing, photocopying, telephone calls and other business services are not included in your venue hire arrangements. These services may be available at the discretion of the Centre and if pre-arranged. The agreed charge will be itemised separately on an invoice or payment request through a 3rd party platform.

7 - Health and Safety

    You shall comply at all times with the Centre’s fire, emergency and Health & Safety regulations (a copy of which is available on request). Fire escape routes are displayed throughout the Venue.
    You shall comply with the Centre’s security requirements at all times and follow any specific security related instructions, which may be given by Centre staff at any time.

8 - Indemnity and Insurance

    You shall indemnify the Charity and the Trading Company against all claims, demands, actions, costs, expenses, losses or damages, arising from or incurred by reason of you or your Group’s actions and/or omissions in relation to the Venue or event or which arise in any way from fulfilment or non-fulfilment of your obligations under these Terms & Conditions, or your obligations to third parties. This shall include, but not be limited to, loss or damage to the Venue, fixtures, fittings, furnishings, equipment, stock and other contents howsoever arising.
    If requested by the Centre, you shall effect and maintain Events, Public Liability or other insurance to a level notified by the Centre which will indemnify you, your agents or contractors or your or their employees or guests against any claim, costs and expenses incurred in respect of any injury to any person or loss or damage to property howsoever arising from this event, and you shall, if so requested by the Centre, provide certificates as evidence of such insurance cover.
    In no circumstances shall the Charity or the Trading Company be liable to you, in contract or in tort, including negligence or breach of statutory duty for:
    Any increase in your costs or expenses.
    Any loss of your profit, business, contracts or goodwill.
    Any indirect or consequential damage of any nature whatsoever.
    In no circumstances shall the Charity’s or the Trading Company’s aggregate liability arising out of or related to our agreement, whether arising out of or related to breach of contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise, exceed the total of the fees paid to the Centre pursuant to these Terms & Conditions.
    Nothing in these Terms & Conditions shall operate to limit or exclude our liability for our own fraud, death or personal injury caused by our negligence, or any other liability that cannot be excluded or limited by law.

9 - Complaints

    If you have a complaint prior to or during the event, you shall notify us immediately and we will do what we can to help. If any complaint arises out of the booking or our performance of the contract you shall provide written details within 7 days of the event.
    If two or more persons or organisations are named on the Booking Information Form the liability of each is joint and several. This means that each person can be held fully responsible for all the responsibilities under this Contract.

10 - Security

    PLEASE NOTE: It is the responsibility of you and your Group to keep your valuables with you at all times. The Centre takes no responsibility for items that are lost, stolen or damaged. Note that any personal/valuable items left near the coat racks in the main building are still vulnerable as this area is not supervised by the staff at the Venue. If you have hired security through us this paragraph shall still apply.
    We reserve the right in our absolute discretion to refuse entry to or to demand the departure from the Venue of any person who appears (in our absolute discretion) to be intoxicated or otherwise appears to represent a threat to the security of the Venue, its equipment, its fixtures and fittings, or to themselves or to any other people on or around the Venue.

11 - Wheelchair Access

    Public areas in the building are fully wheelchair accessible with the exception of the kitchen. Please advise us in advance of your event of the number of wheelchair users expected so that full assistance can be given where necessary, and so that appropriate arrangements can be made.

12 - Enforceability

    Each of the paragraphs of these terms operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful or unenforceable, the remaining paragraphs will remain in full force and effect.

13 - Governing Law

    These Terms & Conditions and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with them (including any non-contractual claims or disputes) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English Law.

14 - Jurisdiction

    The parties irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

15 - Schedule 1: Venue Standards


  • No chairs or folding tables left out after the event.
  • Manual handling training will be provided for stacking chairs and folding away tables after use.
  • The piano may only be played with permission and should not be moved.
  • The cross of nails may be moved to the niche to the right and replaced after the event.
  • The altar and lecterns may not be moved without permission.
  • The sculpture must not be moved.
  • Never move the 2 sets of speakers.


  • Chairs neatly positioned around the circular table in a horseshoe; brush crumbs off the seats.
  • Clear away tables, all rubbish and crockery so that the sideboard and table surfaces are left clear and clean.


  • Keep surfaces completely clear except for appliances & washing up rack.
  • Wash up crockery & cutlery; put away when dry; leave the counter clean and clear.
  • Following an event, load the dishwasher and ask a member of staff to run the cycle.

Tent Courtyard, Garden Courtyard and Passage

  • Sweep up any litter or discarded cigarette butts left by your Group and place them in the bin.
  • No ice left in the garden.